Tuesday, February 16, 2010

camping baby.

its all started on a Friday evening. when i just woke up from my deepst darkst sleep at the noon to go for my olahrage practice on 4pm. its about 340pm. after i took my bath, i heard a noise that i am very femilier enough . okeyy. i went off to my brother's room and i saw 2 of my crckiest ever cousin try to wake my abang ajuan like crazy! haha. i still with my towel on and there are still water droping from my hair and i was like " what the hack korang buat kat sini? " then kakilya like screaming with joy hahaha said " jom ikot camping kat lentang, siap pack now! " gagaga. like betul ke ni? or iam still dreaming? then kaklia continue, "td da call papa awak and he said its oke to join us" yahooo!! yeasssss at last bole keluarrr. in a split of second da siap pack ( actully it takes me 20min to finish pack) haha wte. and off we go to melawati their house and pickup some things and lentang here we come!!

on our journey, kitorang stop at a mcd at taman melati tak silap bcs like sume hungry. oke oke. then da beli benti kat tepi haighway after tol gombak tu just to eat the mcd. like sakai tak sakai? sume org lalu pandang2 je. haha. da la dkt magrib so mcm lagi pelik la kan. haiyooo. then about 8pm sampai kat hutan lipur lentang. dlm gelap tu with only torchlight kitorg pasang kemah. wowww.

first night.
after makn sedap2 kat campsite, about 1230am. "kami" tak bole tido lagi and masih hyper. alright. nak buat apa? genting nak? haha. okee! ambik kau dari campsite pg genting sempah bout 20min then naik genting 30min kot? haha. sampai genting tak sejuk? haiyoo! jalan2 kat sne then 230am till 4am lepak starbucks genting. seriously toilet penting oh! kt genting pulak toilet dia heaven i tell you heaven! anyway, time tng pee ada lady beside my toilet tng smooking weed oh. smells like shit. haha. balik sampai campsite 430am, esk pagi perents sume bising anak2 balik lambat. okeyyy.

second night.
ni malam paling kelakar gila. kitorang baru rapat dgn this guy scott. dia dtg a day after. then malam tu kitorg makan bbq besa beasran oh. kitorg sume makn kenyang2 walaweyh. then tng malam ni scott kate lapa . sbb dia tk mkn bbq. mengade punye "maksalleh" . haha. then pegi la genting sempah lagi. another 15min drive. ni pun pergi 2 kerete. haha. then dia da mkn filet dia. kitorg nk jalan2 pergi bukit tinggi pulak 1am ni. fine naik laa. sumpah menakut kan ohh bukit tinggi. sepanjanag perjalanan kitorg naik and turun only 7 cars kitorg selisih. wow. sunyi sepi. dangg! naik jauh2 ddk dpn guird house borak2 5min then turun. sengal kan? haha.

then sampai camp site bout 230am kot? then tira my brother,ajaun and scott hangout same2 makn junk food. yg lain mkn marsmelo at the campfire. then tng borak dgn scott and ajuan, scott kate lapa lagi. what the hack man? pelik oh perut maksalleh ni. haha. then scott mule da crack dia, dia tnye ajuan

"weh mac delivery ada tk hanta sampai hutan ni?" kitog da bantai gelak2. then sekali ambik kau dia call mcd betul2.
dia loudspeaker " send it to hutan lipur lentang can?",
"hutang lipur lentang? where is it sir? do you have an adress?" ,
"err no, but i could wait at beside the highway tho" ,
"no we cant do that sir" ,

aku and ajuan da nk tergolek2 gelak. gila punye scott. kitorg ckp nanti org mcd tu igt kite buat prank call hanta kat hutan. haha. then mase dia nk pasrah da, beside campfire bakar marshmelo. dia ckp "isshh bodoh oh mcd !" sambil buat muke tak puas hati but comel oh. haha. kitorg da gelak2, sabar scott sabar. then dia ckp nk call lagi skali but kali ni nak ckp malay. haha. layan je la. kumpunan sgt mcd dia.

"hello bole saye bantu?"
"BOLEH! " dgn suara garang and tegas! aku and tamtam da gelak2 da.
"yee, nak di hantar ke mane?"
"ke lentang, lipur lentang"
"err, kat mane tu ye?"
"dekat bentong, kat sini ada mcd terdekat kat genting sempah, boleh hanta tak?"
"ohh kat situ takde delivery encik"
"ohh kenape tkde delivery? takda motor eh?" aku da bantai gelak nk terguling2.
"ohh bukan kt situ tkde kwasan perumaha"
"oh oke, tak bole ke hanta delivery dari kl?" gile btl permintaan dia. 30mint kot dari kl nk sampai sini.
"takbole engcik"
"tak bole takpe ah, selamat malam" sambil buat muke hampa!

kitorg da gelak2 dgn perangai scott. adoii. dia mcm sangap gila tkdpt mcd dia. siap ckp "aku nk bukak mcd dalam hutan oh untuk org mcm aku ni" gedik kan statement? haha. bile ckp mkn la aym bbq tu ada lagi. "tak aku tak mkn , aku kan ank matsalleh" omg scott you mmg gedik oh. haha. then dgn muke keisan dia ajk pg genting sempah lagi sekali fr the second time this night. oke its 3am kot. 20min drive baru sampai. sampai2 mcd genting sempah TUTUP! haha. mencarut2 dia. haha. kitorg lagi la gelak2. esk pagi mama datg bawak mcd byk gila buger. korang kene tgk mcm mane muke dia hppy gila dpt burger mcd. funny oh mamat nii.

third night.
lepas makan steamboat, kitorg mcm biasa keluar pg genting sempah. tira ajuan,jimmy,scott and tam. lain tidooo. haha. then makn la mcd lagi malam2. haha. then depan mcd tu sorg2 bukak cerite hantu. scott da buat muke cuak habis meremag2 bulu rome dia ! the dia ckp "weh mlm ni aku tido kemah sorang doe". haha. pandai2 la .

last day.
nak balik tu, singah rumah aki, my grandpa. then after that singah rumah my grandma. ni pergi 1 kerete je. ada tira ajuan kakilya kakaimi and scott. then sampai rumah wan, wan kasi duit beli makn kfc. rm150 for 6people unt kfc. over limit gila. haha. mcm2 kitorg beli. siap singah market lagi. then mlm tu karoke dulu bfore balik. scott record diam2 time i was singing. and its was horible! haha. mlm tu balik melawati after hanta scott balik. then dia dtg balik rumah jimmy pickup kitorg naik jeep troopers dia pg tgk wyg! . 1am movie valentine's day. tgk la till 230 kot. then balik movie singah mcd lagi. haha. balik tu lepak dpn rumah till 530am. pkl 6 baru tido. scott tido rumah jimmy with his friend. funny oh! bole pulakk.

thats how its end. haha. byk lagi stories yg tak sangup nak type. but enjoy the pictures.

me, kakilya,ajuan,scott,kakaimi. campsite at lentang (:

one of the time otw pg genting sempah for mcd. jimmy and scott. (but ajuan bg dia name, SCOTT ALBINO SEXY MCD) haha

oh picture at genting, 1am ko? abg syafiq,kakaimi,tyra, kakilya and ajuan.

one of our fev picture! kakaimi,abg syafiq,ajuan berdoa,tyra,kakilya and tam tam.

dangg, abg ajuan in love with ronald? gerr.

okey scott, your pouch wins gerrr.

me and jimmy. relex we are cousin.

starbucks. 3am. baru rase sejuk. woahh!

gerrr, mengedik je kot?

ni second night. scott tak dpt mcd dia sbb mcd dia tutup. haha.


serious da 4 days mandi air sungai, balik rumah mandi air paip tk best oh. haha.

pertandingn mkn popcorn yg hangus lagi pahit lagi tiada rase lagi lemau. haiyoo. still number 3. haha

jimmytem and ativa. (i dulu tk reti sebut R so jadi V )

this is tam tam. dia mule2 senyap je, then da kenal few days baru la kecoh gila. haha. rindu korang seriously.


greates cooker ever! my aunty. woww!

and also them! err forgot their names but err, you guys rock!


syiqin said...

BABE!! luv u story much la..ha3.ur scott cute lah..dy tu kazen u or wat?

Kyra said...

best gileeee camping u terex , haha. lawak gile bc tyme second day. bc spi gelak2 i. lawak tol scott tuh. haha