Monday, April 26, 2010

i love myself ;)

why did i even said that ? hahaha hari ni aku MC wehh. and why im so happy bout it ? sbb its MONDAY ! and i hate monday, because balik lambat. pukul 2.20 kot. arghh. even unt budak arb its normal , fact is aku bukan budak arb so yeah im not used to it. asal sekrg musim demam ? sorang sorang demam? aku igt aku tak kene sebab aku KUAT hahaha immune aku hebat . takde make nye wei. sakit sakit demam sakit kepale gila babeng yaww. so next time tak payah nk show off dgn immune korg ehh . so malam nak pg tution or not ? da 6 mase aku ponteng physic. err yeah happy lah sgt kan? btw my mum pun amek MC. same same lah mommy ;) btw on the same day my cat died ;( waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa da tua dah kuching tu. she died in front our car's porch. bukan kene langga oke. she just lay down and died. about 3 hours ago. mama ckp tanam dia tengah hari sikit, tunggu abg asip gali kat belakang rumah ;'( bubye kitty im gonna miss you .

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